Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bicyle parking facility announced

City County complex announces new up to date bicycle facilities

In a move intended to show their commitment to bicycling and especially bicycle commuting city leaders had this up to date modern ,state of the art bicycle facility installed at the city county complex.

"This will show our extraordinary commitment to bicycling and bicycle commuters" says an unnamed source in the city administration.

With this facility we will be on the cutting edge of bicycle advocacy , perhaps on a par with Portland Oregon or even Amsterdam.
The new bicycle will feature secure covered bicycle parking , showers , repair station staffed by experienced bicycle mechanics.

"By installing this state of the art facility we show our commitment to insuring a better quality of life for the bicycle commuting public. The expenditures up till now have favored parking for Automobile drivers and that is about to change, as evidenced by this first phase of the Greensboro bicycle station" according to a press release from the city traffic division.

"This will help ease congestion on our city streets ,encourage fitness and health as well as help preserve gasoline stocks for future generations."

Pictured is phase one of the new bicycle facility. It was installed in approximately 1974 although there is some doubt as to the exact installation date. The next phase is scheduled to be built by 2074.
The relaxed time line allows time for adequate planning and design phases.

"We want to get phase 2 done correctly. We foresee that phase 2 will be as well executed as Phase one of the bicycle parking facility" (pictured above).

The popularity of phase one (pictured above) exceeded all expectations. it has won numerous rewards from national bicyling advacy groups and was one featured in a Major Planners trade magazine as an example of progressive city planning.

Monday, May 21, 2007

parking or people

This is the view in front of a popular health food store in a neighboring city. As you can see they have created a neighborhood gathering spot where they should have put the parking lot . This photo was taken on a Sunday morning, all these people ought to have been in Church , not out enjoying the sun shine and community spirit . If the health food store had been in Greensboro wonderful it owuld have lloked like this:

Is not Greensboro wonderful? By creating all this lovely landscape they are insuring people will not gather and enjoy the Sunshine on Sunday morning. They will all stay home and watch Nascar. Is not Greensboro Wonderful! It is wonderful we are not distracted by attractive gathering spots ! I am proud of Greensboro. Aren't you?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Greensboro wonderful historic buildings

One of the really wonderful things about Greensboro is the way we protect and preserve our architectural heritage. For instance this old grain mill on South Elm has been wonderfully preserved. We show how wonderfully proud we are of our history by preserving such monuments to the past. It is indeed a thriving community center and showplace . Every visitor to Greensboro Wonderful will surely want to come here! The visitor center features Locally produced products and foods. The patio outdoor dining area is usable nearly year round as we are blessed with mild weather nearly year round! Is it not Wonderful? Greensboro Wonderful.

Greensboro Parking is wonderful

One of the nice things about Greensboro Wonderful is that there is always plenty of parking. The lots are attractively landscaped and well maintained. This is one of the finest lots within spitting distance of Downtown. Too bad no one knows about it. It sure is huge .Lots of cars could park here. This was a fine sunny Saturday afternoon and no one was using it. No one . Not one car! How Wonderful .Greensboro is Wonderful , is it not?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Visionary Landuse

Here is a 25 or so acre site in the heart of a business district in Greensboro's wealthiest zip code. I suppose this is the highest and best use according to the landowner. Everything about this is A ok with the city as well or surely they would have helped see this land is redeveloped.

This site is a real asset to the city , don't you think?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greensboro Wonderful

I am ready to release my inner artist. Therefore I am releasing to the world some of my favorite images of Greensboro Wonderful. This photo shows the care and consideration walkers get traversing about in this Area of Greensboro Wonderful near Cornwallis and Lawndale.
The hydrant is conveniently place as to cause maximum injury to a hapless pedestrian , specially one with limited vision or pushing a stroller. Thanks Greensboro Wonderful.