Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bicyle parking facility announced

City County complex announces new up to date bicycle facilities

In a move intended to show their commitment to bicycling and especially bicycle commuting city leaders had this up to date modern ,state of the art bicycle facility installed at the city county complex.

"This will show our extraordinary commitment to bicycling and bicycle commuters" says an unnamed source in the city administration.

With this facility we will be on the cutting edge of bicycle advocacy , perhaps on a par with Portland Oregon or even Amsterdam.
The new bicycle will feature secure covered bicycle parking , showers , repair station staffed by experienced bicycle mechanics.

"By installing this state of the art facility we show our commitment to insuring a better quality of life for the bicycle commuting public. The expenditures up till now have favored parking for Automobile drivers and that is about to change, as evidenced by this first phase of the Greensboro bicycle station" according to a press release from the city traffic division.

"This will help ease congestion on our city streets ,encourage fitness and health as well as help preserve gasoline stocks for future generations."

Pictured is phase one of the new bicycle facility. It was installed in approximately 1974 although there is some doubt as to the exact installation date. The next phase is scheduled to be built by 2074.
The relaxed time line allows time for adequate planning and design phases.

"We want to get phase 2 done correctly. We foresee that phase 2 will be as well executed as Phase one of the bicycle parking facility" (pictured above).

The popularity of phase one (pictured above) exceeded all expectations. it has won numerous rewards from national bicyling advacy groups and was one featured in a Major Planners trade magazine as an example of progressive city planning.

1 comment:

abloggersayswhat said...

That bike rack is 33 years old, it's a classic. And, it's still suitable for your Huffy, Sears or bent riders. You just wouldn't want to chain anything to it someone would want to steal.

You do know the City has a truck load of nice new bike racks on the way? And, they have done more in the last 5 years for bicycling than they have since 1974.

I think it's all to draw Yankees down here to bike without studs in their tires.